Currently, system error messages are generically worded. For example, if file uploads exceed a size limit, clients see a message that reads, “Whoops. There’s a problem with your workflow.” along with a direction to reach out to our firm for assistance. Of course, we don’t have the foggiest idea what triggered the message either. That then necessitates us having to contact Gavel for troubleshooting assistance. Another example is the error message that a client receives if we deactive them as a user, and then they attempt to log in afterward. I feel it would improve the client experience and save us time if error messages indicated the root cause of the problem that generated the error message. Even better… add the root cause to the error message and also send us an automated email that alerts us to the error. That email could also show the user name/email and root cause as well. Thank you!
I’m glad this is planned! I’m always going crazy trying to figure out what is wrong in my workflow when I get the error message.
Most errors now have more user-friendly descriptions and step-by-step instructions to resolve.
Thank you for the update!