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Clickable navigation/section labels#26

Currently, section labels help the user understand where they are in the workflow. I want end-users to be able to click those section labels to go back and forth between different sections of a workflow.

3 years ago

Yes, this would be helpful ♥️Also, it would be useful to be able to add logic to them so they appear or disappear based on certain conditions (perhaps attached to the page’s logic that they are connected to)

2 years ago

Yes, triple yes! :)

2 years ago

I agree, this would really be helpful!

2 years ago

Also, add the review page to the section labels.

a year ago

absolutely. I have this with my HotDocs account, and it’s awsome

a year ago

If you hover over the Section List, the cursor changes to a hand with a pointing finger. This makes it look like you can use the list to navigate.
Until the Section List is actually clickable, can you make the cursor NOT change into a pointing finger?

a year ago

100%. This is critical to our use case.

a year ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
8 months ago
Changed the status to
8 months ago